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Board Statement

The club does not want to detract from the marvellous support it receives both home and away. The players certainly appreciate the atmosphere created and again yesterday at Billericay supporters played their part. The club recognises football is a passionate game and we are lucky to have the support we do. We want that support to continue and grow but there are lines that cannot be crossed. The abuse of our opponents and officials is not acceptable. Our support is at its best when it is focused on supporting our team. Sadly yesterday there were a couple of incidents that the club will not ignore and will take action on. Firstly the club apologises to Billericay staff who were subjected to abuse. The identity of the main protagonist is known and will be dealt with. We would ask all supporters to either challenge anti-social behaviour or seek the assistance of a board member or a steward. As a supporter-owned club we all have a responsibility to represent our club in a positive way.

The club also urges supporters not to bring any pyrotechnic or smoke devices into grounds. This could be a criminal offence and result in banning orders. The FSA article on this issue is well worth reading –  English football launches new measures to curb pitch incursions and pyro – Football Supporters’ Association (